Marcela Gbúrová
Studia Politica Slovaca, 2021, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 49-66
Language: English
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SPS.2021-1.4
The professional ambition of the study is to present the ethnic-emancipatory and national-political initiatives of Michal Miloslav Hodža, one of the representatives of the Slovak national movement in the revolutionary years of 1848-1849, co-creator of the modern literary Slovak language project and author of Matora – the most extensive poetic work of political content in Slovak literature. the study is divided into four relatively separate parts. The first of them follows the educational path of M. M. Hodža to humanism, national-revivalist consciousness and theoretical reflections on issues of a natiological nature. The second part deals with Hodža’s complicated process of looking for a modern form of the Slovak literary language. In the next part, the national-political activities of M. M. Hodža in the revolutionary years of 1848-1849 are analysed. The last part of the study is a political-science interpretation of the literary work Matora which represents the key life balance of M. M. Hodža implemented outside of public policy.
Michal Miloslav Hodža, Slovak issue, linguistic modernism, Messianism, Matora

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